Invitational Participation

I am suspending invitational offerings for the time being. This does not include John Lewis or Gig Harbor (for league 1 make ups).

To date there have been 4 instances of judges being unavailable for their full judging obligation. In all 4 of those instances I was not made aware of the conflict until there were less than 24 hours before round 1. In all 4 of those instances I could have set their schedules in advance to meet their needs. These judge issues make me look unprofessional and unprepared. I know the folks that run these invitationals personally. It embarrasses me when I have to email, or text, or go to a zoom and explain that a judge isn't available for the blocks of time I signed them up to judge. Schedule are published on tabroom....when you ask your parent to judge, you should be showing them the schedule so they can see what they are agreeing to do.

I will let you know when we are returning to Invitational participation.