Mr. Wardner

A quick note from Mr Wardner

So my MS kids did some record and submit tournaments this weekend....and one them was "in Oklahoma". His OO talks about beef being generally bad for us and for the environment. One of his ballots said "stay away from controversial topics like removing God's creation of cattle from our land because of the nonsense they are harmful to the ozone." React as you see fit.....I laughed out loud a lot!!!

Invitational Participation

I am suspending invitational offerings for the time being. This does not include John Lewis or Gig Harbor (for league 1 make ups).

To date there have been 4 instances of judges being unavailable for their full judging obligation. In all 4 of those instances I was not made aware of the conflict until there were less than 24 hours before round 1. In all 4 of those instances I could have set their schedules in advance to meet their needs. These judge issues make me look unprofessional and unprepared. I know the folks that run these invitationals personally. It embarrasses me when I have to email, or text, or go to a zoom and explain that a judge isn't available for the blocks of time I signed them up to judge. Schedule are published on tabroom....when you ask your parent to judge, you should be showing them the schedule so they can see what they are agreeing to do.

I will let you know when we are returning to Invitational participation.

***Invitationals Update***

The school bank may be closed for a few days...or more. If you want to sign up for Long Beach or Steven Stewart this is the process for getting a "receipt" to upload in the google form.

  1. Take a picture of your check...upload that as the receipt.

  2. Put the check in an envelope and put your name and tournament on the envelope. 1 envelope for EACH check!!!

  3. Take the envelope to Mrs B.

Stephen Stewart September 24-26

So ya wanna go to Stephen Stewart September 24-26? I can make that happen!!! Here's how it works. This google form tells you how much each event costs. Don't fill it out yet! After you see the fee for your event(s), you must go to the school bank and pay your fees. AFTER you pay your fees, take a picture of the receipt, line up your judge and then fill out the form. I will accept entries until Sept 17th. If you wait until the last minute, the tournament might have filled. If you don't upload the receipt for payment, I won't enter you. Sorry for the tough love.

Schedule is on page 13 of invitation.

Here is the google form to be completed for entry.

Long Beach Sept 18-20?

So ya wanna go to Long Beach Sept 18-20? I can make that happen!!! Here's how it works. This google form tells you how much each event costs. Don't fill it out yet! After you see the fee for your event(s), you must go to the school bank and pay your fees. AFTER you pay your fees, take a picture of the receipt, line up your judge and then fill out the form. I will accept entries until Sept 8th. If you wait until the last minute, the tournament might have filled. If you don't upload the receipt for payment, I won't enter you. Sorry for the tough love.

Schedules can be found by clicking on the yellow rectangles on the right side of the page.

This is the google form you use to sign up.

Hunting for Scripts?

Hunting for scripts? Wait.....let's try that again.

I know you are looking for scripts to use next season. Here are a couple of resources.

This is the NSDA master list of scripts. It will usually give you publisher info to aid you in finding the script.

This doc is my personal list of scripts. It includes everything in the NSDA list and in some instances a short synopsis.

UK Season Opener Info!!!

UK Season Opener Info!!! 9/11-13 2021


Congressional Debate, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Policy Debate

Public Forum Debate, Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation

Extemp, Humorous Interpretation, Informative, Original Oratory



Varsity Policy $90 per person

Lincoln-Douglas $120

Congressional Debate $80

Public Forum $80 per person

Duo $60 per person

Speech $70

Email for more info and to be entered. You must include a judge name in your email.